Tag: star city promos 2015

  • Star City Easter Promo

    Star City Easter Promo

    PROMO MECHANICS: 50% off on Ride All You Can promo is open to all kids 10 yrs old and below. Parents/ Guardians should show any ID of the child for validation Tickets will be valid on the day of purchase only. Additional fees for other attractions will be at regular rate. One time purchase of…

  • Star City Birthday Treat

    Star City Birthday Treat

    PROMO PERIOD: March 1 to September 30, 2015 The celebrant will be given a FREE Ride-All-You-Can, upon presenting the following: Promo is open to all birthday celebrants of the current months during the promo period For ADULTS: an original and photocopy of a government issued ID, with picture,showing birth date of the ID holder For…